"I want to extend a huge thank you to all the owners, suppliers, companies and sponsors who are supporting me on this journey. Without your help fulfilling this dream would not be possible."
I am incredibly lucky to have a selection of the most fabulous sponsors behind me.
From Mark Scott Arenas - a truly quality product - to the wonderful Stevenson Bros and their gorgeous rocking horses; from Sandersons UK showing how property should be done to the magnificent Mynde Park Estate, one and all are as passionate about what they do as I am and I couldn’t do this without you.
Current Syndicates
Joan and Steve Bessex
Brigid Grant
Sophie Arnold
Mynde Park Syndicate
John Mastin
My owners are really like an extended family. Their unfailing support through thick and thin is truly amazing - thank you.
And so on to the generous people who help me with their services and supplies. Our horses are fed exclusively on Saracen Feeds and look and perform brilliantly on it; Voltaire Saddles are a wonderful product. Their attention to details ensures that the saddle fits the horse perfectly and so keeps rider and horse in balance.
Thank you to CSOne who designed my logo and to Matt from Pickture who designed this site.